And oooooh, I have a weakness for that. Oooooh, I have a thing for that. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot that horrifies me (the prices, for one, and today, looking at some of the toys and ornaments, the unknown and dubious ethical provenance of things, which tends to make me avoid buying the cheapest things possibly made by starving children. Of course, I should research the topic instead of relying on impressions yet continuing to be a Habitat client... I'm not claiming a moral high ground here).
The thing I really wanted that I did not buy is this little tree+lights - 55 Euros omg no. I did my best to pick carefully and still indulge a little bit.
Last year one of the Christmas presents I received was this metal wreath, except in a dark chocolate brown - this year the color of the collection seems to be a light bronze / old gold color (same as the tree I want!). I haven't seen that one in the shop today though, I'm only finding it online now as I browse to find links for the things I did buy. If I had seen this one I might have been also tempted... Though who needs two metal wreaths of bells, seriously. Plus, these suckers are really heavy.
I did get a pack of the same little bells that I bought last year in red, which are available in that light bronze shade now.
There seems to be a sort of "vintage" feel thing going on this year, a sort of half steampunk-y vibe (or at least, I know I could easily do a steampunk-y tree using some of those: the flat "ball, the dew-drops pendeloques, the diamond-shaped old-glass bauble that I had to resist really hard not to buy). Less vintage-like but still yummy, the rose-thicket metal ornament.
(note: use the little arrows on the site to "see more" colors and models; hover the mouse on the picture to see a larger, close up one.)
Eventually I broke down and bought one of these weird elongated bell glass ornament because I want to use it to entrap some tiny plastic people on a shelf (I took the most transparent one, probably the "tarnish" color, as it is very slightly grey), as well as one of these gorgeous scalloped glass balls, in the dark grey shade (jade grey?), and a grey textile knot ornament. These are huge - same size as the scalloped balls, so about the size of my (admittedly smallish) fist, basically.
They'll probably end up in my bedroom here, on each side of the curtain masking my messy overflowing shelves; I recently changed it and the fabric I'm using now is in matching colors. Apparently I'm attuned to the color trends of the world, despite not going outside into the world all that often. =)
I really like two-tones christmas trees, and now I'm tempted to do a grey/muted gold thing this year. I'm only going to do the tree a scant few days before Christmas itself I bet (I don't know yet when I'm going down to the house). But then, I'm not sure if I have enough ornaments to do that without buying more, which would be relatively unwise - hmm, I could just buy an assortment of cheap Xmas ornaments in grey or pearl though. Food for thought.
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