She'd heard rumors as a child; they all had.Koreos, living ghosts. Those taken by the Wraith and returned to the world of men changed. Marked.Cursed.
NZ era - Some pub, some night, some temper. At worst, Elijah gets bladdered and his mad choked-sounding laugh gets even louder, madder and more choked-sounding before he wanders off to the gent's to heave up whatever he poured down himself. Orlando
Bric-a-Brac Kid Fic, #4 The first time it happens, John doesn't think too much about it. They're going through the food line at lunch, and Rodney makes a beeline for pie, only it's lemon meringue, in the special quarantine area for citrus that Rodn
I want to look at some of the more interesting articulations of canon, fanon, and what lies between, as well as how we can negotiate what actually constitutes fanon and whether it's always bad.