Cookbook on twitter: recipes (serves 3-4) in 140 character. A linguistic topical challenge sometimes, which makes it all the better imo.

Hey, Hot Shot! - a photo competition / exposition project of some kind. I admit, I needed to keep the link around mostly only for the "Don't wreck my car." connection. (fannish injoke [sg:a], don't worry).

I got that link from this post, which I also want to keep around.

Via the great K as well: A story using only words from The Cat in the Hat. Glee.

For the hopeful, the future, or the busy: Brijit - to revisit later. And in a different category: Exploratree.

This seems worth mentionning also:
Scientists began sequencing DNA from all sorts of environments. After looking at human gut microflora, they learned that each individual has his or her own characteristic set of a thousand species. “These represent three million genes that you carry,” points out Kolter, “as compared to the estimated 18,000 genes of the human genome. So you are living and exchanging [metabolites] constantly with a diverse pool of some three million genes.” Microbiologists continue to find new taxonomic divisions of microbes far faster than they can figure out how to culture them.